Tuesday, December 18, 2012

DIY // Eraser Stamped Gift Tags

I had to do a double take when I looked at today's date.  Not only did December sneak up on me, it's flying by.  Yesterday my family and I got our tree.  The cats are having a blast with it, as always.  It's hard to believe the holiday is right around the corner and I haven't wrapped a single gift.

I did find time to make some gift tags over the weekend.  The idea came from Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts, which I checked out from the library.  It's a wonderful and inspriing book.  Projects and tutoriols are so accessible on the internet now that I don't look at craft books much, but it was very refreshing to flip through page after page of beautiful craft work.

Anyway, there was stamping project using the erasers on the ends of No. 2. pencils to create little flower patterns.  I went simpler and took the polka dot route, decorating a few shipping tags.  After that I made a few of my own tags from card stock.  A brand new pencil eraser will give you a perfectly round stamped circle, but for some fun I did a bit of stamping with worn erases, too.  The end of a glue stick provided a nice circle stamp as well, and I enjoyed making patterns with it.

Hopefully I can get some presents wrapped this week and put these tags to use.

Happy Holidays everyone!