I kicked 2013 off with sending out some snail mail. After recuperating from some post holiday
sickness I made these little mini January calendars to send to friends. It was fun to do a little collage work, and I
got to use the new slim pastel washi tapes I got for Christmas. The little floral bits were cut out from the
inside of a shopping bag pattern. I had
been hanging on to them all last year, but I never got around to using them. Still, each time I went to de-stash some of
my materials I was never able to throw them away. You know how it is when you’re waiting for
the perfect project to come around? Most
of the time I end up holding on to things forever, but in this case I found the
perfect use for them.
This year I will
need to let go of lot of little bits like those flowers since my sister and I
are re-designing our room. I was hoping
to be able to move my workspace into the basement, but that project may have to
hold off for a while. Now I’m left with the
task of trying to balance having my room double as my studio. I really hope I can be more organized this
year and get better at separating work things from the rest of my things. If anyone has any design tips for having a
workspace in your bedroom, please share!
Hi! I'm tamtamlee from swap bot.
Your mini calendars are really cute! Nice job!
These are really cute - such a great idea! I have to craft in my room too since I am at uni and in a shared house still (snore). I have a vintage suitcase stuffed full of supplies and use the top of it when closed as a sort of craft space. Its not much, but I make do! Plus it keeps me tidy haha! Love your blog :)
Oh, I saw your suitcase on your blog! That's a great idea. When I was in school I crafted right on my floor and always made such a mess. Wish I had thought of that.
Thank you for visiting. I'm glad you enjoyed looking around. :)
Thank you, they were fun make.
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