Happy Sunday everyone; I
hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Here’s
a quick and easy DIY project to kick off the new week. I missed our last recycling pick up and had
an overflow of plastics and glass in our little milk crate that we keep in the
kitchen. This inspired me to take out a
few items and reuse them around the house.
One of them was a plastic cookie container from the bakery that got
transformed into this neat and simple drawer organizer for my bathroom.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- 1 plastic container with
at divided sections on the bottom
- a pair of scissors
Step 1. Rinse container. If there are any stickers or labels on it,
run them under some warm water before gently peeling them off.
Step 2. Cut along the plastic hinge that connects the
top and bottom of the container. Be sure
to sure to cut down any sharp edges.
Step 3. Place container into a drawer and get
Wasn’t that easy?